10 Technical SEO Issues You Might Be Facing Right Now

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10 Technical SEO Issues You Might Be Facing Right Now

Whenever it comes to technical SEO, we often refer to the updates that are implemented to improve the website and its online presence. Through this, it becomes easier for search engines such as Google to find, comprehend, and store the content. User experience is one of the leading factors of technical SEO. Along with this, it has a direct impact on your website’s ranking, crawlability, loading speed, indexation, and visibility. When you opt for the best SEO company in Delhi NCR such as Value4Brand, they will mainly focus on components like HTTP headers, title tags, page titles, metadata, redirects, sitemaps, etc.

You should note that keyword research, backlinks, social media planning, and so on are not included in technical SEO. If you want to attain higher rankings, technical SEO is the very step that you should opt for. To grab more information about the elements of a successful SEO plan and issues associated with technical SEO, continue reading this post.

What are the main elements of a successful SEO strategy?

Just like any other digital marketing strategy, technical SEO has several components that decide whether your business website will be a hit or a flop show. Check out the following to know the same:

  • Website Structure: Your business website is more like a digital face of yours. You virtually speak to people and tell everyone about the products or services you have through a website. Hence, it should have a clean structure along with a sitemap with zero technical glitches.
  • On-Page Optimization: Through this, you will place the relevant and targeted keywords not only in the content but in the internal links, image alt text, etc. This process has an impact on your website’s online ranking and presence.
  • Off-Page Optimization: This is yet another critical aspect if you want to have a winning technical SEO. For off-page optimization, leading firms usually check for broken links. They conduct a thorough backlink audit to locate the same.

What are the common technical issues and how to fix them?

While having the technical SEO by your side, you will come across certain issues. Some of them are easily manageable while for others, you will need the best SEO company such as Value4Brand to ease the process and implement professional solutions. 

But before opting for professional services, you will need to check out the following to know the common issues along with relevant solutions associated with technical SEO:

  • Absence of HTTPS security

Have you ever noticed that when you enter a website URL, it shows a red background along with a warning sign that the website source is not secure? In normal scenarios, a user closes the browser whenever he or she sees such a warning. From a business viewpoint, this is not a great practice as it will create a doubt or sense of insecurity in the users’ minds. If you are not sure whether your website is secure or not, just enter the URL and check whether a warning sign is appearing or not.

SOLUTION: You can get in touch with an authority to release the SSL certificate. You can secure your website by installing the SSL certificates.

  • Incorrect indexing

To know if it is correctly indexed, you should search for the business website on Google. If it appears in the results, it means things are fine. In case it does not show up, there are possible issues with the indexing. Unindexed pages will also not appear on the Google results.

SOLUTION: The very first thing you can do to index the website is to add the website URL/link to Google. In case the older version is indexed, update it so that it can show up on results. Make sure you index all pages as less indexed pages will be missed from the search engine results.

  • Missing XML sitemaps

XML sitemaps are created to help search engine bots know about the landing pages as well as the website with the right context. When they know your website, it will help them crawl it more accurately, effectively, and intelligently. To check if the website has a sitemap, just type the website name following “/sitemap.xml’. If a sitemap is there, it will appear.

SOLUTION: If no sitemap is there, then you should create it or seek the help of a professional web developer. Besides, several tools are there that you can use to have a sitemap.

  • Missing or incorrect robots.txt

A missing or incorrect robots.txt can bring some hazardous issues and damage to your website. The biggest damage is adversely affecting organic traffic. To determine if the robots.txt is correct and not missing, you can do a simple thing. Just enter the website link or URL. After this, add a suffix – “/robots.txt”. You will be able to see the issue with this simple step.

SOLUTION: When you notice an issue, immediately speak to a skilled website developer. In case you have an e-commerce site, the chances are higher that your website has complex robots.txt files. Hence, you should review it and rectify the involved issues.

  • NOINDEX configuration

If you have correctly configured the ‘NOINDEX’ tags, it means the search engines will have the less important pages. When you fail to configure it correctly, it will adversely affect your online visibility. Commonly, you will have NOINDEX tags during the website development. But you should remove it once the website is live. To make sure NOINDEX tag is not available, search <meta name=”robots” content=”NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW”>

SOLUTION: When it is available, ask the developer if he or she has done it purposely. In case there is no need for it, just ask them to change it or simply remove the entire tag. 

  • Slow loading speed

This issue will have a direct impact on a user’s choice of whether they will stay or leave the page. A user will immediately leave the page if it is taking more than 3 seconds to load. The speed of the pages is also important for the Google Algorithm. Now, the question is – how will you check the speed of the pages? To know the same, you can use different online tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights. While checking the speed, check the desktop as well as mobile versions of the website.

SOLUTION: Numerous ways are there that can be chosen to improve the page loading speed. For instance, you can optimize the images, minify the JavaScript, and improve browser caching. In case you do not know how to do it, you can do it with the help of the best SEO company in Delhi NCR such as Value4Brand.

  •  Multiple versions of the homepage

If you are checking your website, you will notice that some pages will open whether or not you are adding the prefix such as www. You will feel that it is a good thing, but in reality, Google is actually indexing different versions of your website. This is something that can affect your website’s reputation and its reach. In addition to this, it can confuse Google’s algorithm as well as users.

SOLUTION: Check if every version i.e. https and http versions are landing on the same page. In case multiple indexed versions are located, just set the 301 redirects. You can ask your developer for it.     

  •  Incorrectly placed rel=canonical

Rel=canonicals are important for a website that has more than one page with duplicate or similar content. This is particularly useful for e-commerce websites. Google usually tags as duplicates to the pages that have dynamic rendering. Through these tags, you can tell the search engines about the pages that are primarily important.

SOLUTION: To check the rel-canonical and its placement, you can get a professional’s help. A provider such as Value4Brand can help you locate the issues and fix them promptly.

  •     Duplicate content

This is one of the biggest issues a website can come across. However, this has become a common problem these days. Some people think that copying high-quality content can yield similar benefits for them too. Unfortunately, such content is not useful at all. Instead, it will have adverse effects. The worst outcome is that the website can be penalized. Hence, you should not promote the uses of duplicate uses at any cost. 

SOLUTION: Ask your team to check for the reasons why the content is duplicated. Once they locate the same after a thorough audit, just fix the issues such as correct reconfiguration of rel=canonical tags.

  •    Missing or improperly placed alt tags

Broken links along with missing alt tags mean you are missing out on great SEO opportunities. An alt tag on the image helps search engine crawlers to index pages by locating the category or description. It is a common digital marketing practice that a link attached to a page or image will break. To prevent your website from the harmful effects of broken links, you should keep a check and update them after a regular interval. 

SOLUTION: To know about the broken links, it is mandatory to conduct a regular SEO audit. While doing so, look for the internal as well as external links. Replace the broken ones immediately to reduce the effects.

To conclude it briefly

By fixing all these technical issues, you can take the SEO game to another level. In case you need assistance or professional help to fix these problems, you can get in touch with Value4Brand. As a leading digital marketing company, you will get access to its world-class and expertly designed-SEO services. For more details, get in touch with them. You can also browse through the official website to get an overview of the services available.



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