What is the Difference Between SEO, PPC, And SMM

Digital Marketing

Whether you are looking for digital marketing or backend technical work for your website, you need to first understand different terms. Be it the SEO, PPC or SMM, each has their own role and are different in every form. When you look for a digital marketing company, you need to understand how these three elements work for your online business. However, the ultimate aim is to bring more traffic to the website and to have a good business. The main difference between the SEO and PPC is that the traffic coming from SEO is free while traffic generated from PPC isn’t free. Similarly, the difference between SEO and SMM (Social Media Marketing) is the latter is completely done on social media platforms.

Let us now check the difference between the SEO, PPC, and SMM-

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a practice set by search engine done content posted on the site. It is the backend process. The technique used in SEO helps in improving the overall website performance and SERPs or Search Engine Result Page. There are two types of SEO  On-Page and Off-page which also includes using right keywords through web-pages. This also includes- H1 through H4 tags, URL structure, alt tags on images, among a host of other practices. When it comes to on-page SEO techniques, they include-

  • Friendly navigation
  • Fast loading pages
  • Mobile friendly pages

Off-page SEO includes the external work of the website. These include the back-links and other aspects. This is the most difficult part of SEO because the site has to majorly rely on outside sources.

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Social Media Marketing is the part of SEO it also involves link building. If you Google your name, then you will definitely find the result showing your profile off LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. The main goal of using SMM is to drive quality traffic towards your site and to engage with customers. Moreover, it helps to drive revenue for better business online. The slight difference between SEO and SMM is that SMM is majorly performed on social media platforms.

Pay Per Click (PPC)

The two key differences between SEO and PPC are-firstly that the paid ads appear at the top of pages above the organically influenced ads by SEO. The second is PPC involves paid traffic, whereas SEO involves free organic traffic methods. PPC (Pay Per Click) offer some benefits like-

  • Dominated position on the search page
  • Improvement in ads
  • Visual Product Ads
  • More Brand Visibility

Compered to SMM or SEO, the cost involved in PPC is low. If you are running a local business targeting a local location, then you will get enough leads without breaking the bank. However, the cost may add if going beyond your boundaries.


It is not really possible to answer which is the best of all three. These three parts of online marketing play an important role. It completely depends on your target audience and the type of business you are running. Connect with the right digital marketing company that offers the best of all three.


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