The Easiest Way to Remove Negative Reviews from Glassdoor?

The Easiest Way to Remove Negative Reviews from Glassdoor
In: Reviews Management

Glassdoor is one of the most popular platforms created for employees. It is a stage where they can go and share their thoughts without any hesitation about the firm and everything. Apart from this, businesses can also check the reviews and know where they need to improve for better operations and reputation.

In case you are a business, you are most likely to get positive as well as negative reviews on Glassdoor. There is nothing offensive as everyone is different and not everyone feels the same way. For instance, a leading online review management services in Delhi – Value4Brand says that some people may love pizza parties after working hours on Fridays in the office, while others may feel that it is just a waste of their precious time. This is all about how an employee feels.

However, negative comments are particularly harmful to your image and reputation as many potential employees used to check Glassdoor reviews before a job application or after getting an offer. And when negative comments are there, you are most likely to lose some great talent and skilled employees. So, you must check such comments and remove them. But the question is – how to do it? To know the answer, continue reading this post.

What are the negative reviews?

Reviews are considered a great helping hand for job seekers as they can get an idea about the culture, salary, growth, etc. of a company. Similarly, it can help firms make their processes better by improving the areas that are not liked by the employees.

However, a lot of negative comments (as it is clearly obvious that some people do it intentionally) can bring adverse effects. Hence, removing them is the way to protect your business and its reputation. But you will need to understand a few things. According to the experts of leading online review management service providers in the country, you can only remove reviews that do not abide by the guidelines of the community.

Besides, reviews with the following can be deleted only if they:

  1. Have inaccurate, false, and incomplete information.
  2. Are posted by people who were not a part of your firm.
  3. Contain any type of quoted material like websites or email IDs.
  4. Have any sort of non-public and confidential details.
  5. Showcase external links or ads.
  6. Include profanities, threats, abuse, or offensive comments.

What to do when you see a negative review?

When you see negative comments or reviews, you will be provided with the following two options:

  1. Flag the review
  2. Take the appropriate legal action

To learn more about these methods to delete those reviews, keep on reading the post.

How to flag negative reviews?

Negative comments and reviews are quite annoying and can damage your reputation. However, legal action should not be the first step that you should take. Instead, you can try flagging the negative reviews, as per the experts of a leading online review management service firm.

To do such with false or fake reviews and defamatory comments, you can do the following:

  1. Go to the company profile.
  2. Check the review and see if it is against the guidelines set by Glassdoor.
  3. Press the flag given on the comment’s bottom if it is not abided by the rules.
  4. Do not forget to choose the right reason for reporting that review.
  5. Wait for some time. If it is against the laws, Glassdoor will remove it after review.

Take a legal path if it is necessary 

Many times Glassdoor can refuse your request to delete the reviews. In this case, you can take legal action. However, it is equally important for you to get familiar with the policies of Glassdoor.

For instance, if a user chooses to hide his or her identity, then Glassdoor respects the same. And they do not reveal it. This simply means that you will not be able to take the necessary actions against the suspected person. Apart from this, legal actions come with a certain cost. In addition to this, such cases rarely go in the favor of an employer. So, it is better not to take this step until there is no clear evidence available against the person who has posted the defamatory review.

What should be done when negative reviews are still there?

When negative reviews are still floating, you can take the help of a prominent online review management service provider. Since they know how to deal with negative reviews, they will help you protect your image.

To do this, such providers do the following:

  1. Earning positive reviews: They ask your existing as well as previous employees to post some positive feedback and reviews. When a lot of positive ones are there, you can easily bury negative reviews.
  2. Responding to all reviews: This is one of the most important aspects of reputation management. When you spend time responding to comments, you can get the image of a responsible employer. Leading service providers understand this fact. Hence, they respond to reviews even if they are not positive.

Read more: How to Build a Strong Social Media Presence

Wrapping it up!

Indeed, you cannot control what others think. But you can always have the best online review management service provider such as Value4Brand by your side. They can help you improve your online presence and gain trust. So, next time when negative reviews bother you, do not allow them to take your peace away. Just connect with the expert team of this firm to avail great benefits.

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